idea실행 중 갑자기 밑에 에러가 발생
오후 4:31:57 Error running portal: Cannot run program "C:\DEV\Was\apache-tomcat-6.0.37\bin\catalina.bat" (in directory "C:\DEV\Was\apache-tomcat-6.0.37\bin"): CreateProcess error=87, ¸Ű³ º¯¼
오후 4:32:00 Error running portal: Unable to open debugger port : "socket closed"
열심히 구글로 찾아보다가 원인을 발견했다.
Debug 선택 후 Pass environment variables 밑에 리스트화면에서 빈 로우를 제거해줘야 된다.
오후 4:32:00 Error running portal: Unable to open debugger port : "socket closed"
열심히 구글로 찾아보다가 원인을 발견했다.
It looks like I found out where was the problem.즉! Run/Debug Configuration 다이얼로그 창으로 가서 5번째 Startup/Connection 텝을 선택
A project has dialog “Edit Configuration” (dialog’s title - Run/Debug Configuration). The dialog has 5 tabs. Last right tab (‘Startup/Connection’) provides possibility to describe environment variables to pass it to Java machine. For ‘Debug’ mode by default is set ‘JAVA_OPTS’. But for ‘Run’ mode there is one empty line only (without any values). Just I put focus and removed that empty line - the problem is gone. It is easy to reproduce. I didn’t add any empty line myself. Possible this is little IDEA bug.
On the other hand I can’t reproduce the problem under Win XP. Possible the reason is – my Win XP has external environment variable ‘JAVA_OPTS’ with memory setting. So, empty line doesn’t add any problems.
Debug 선택 후 Pass environment variables 밑에 리스트화면에서 빈 로우를 제거해줘야 된다.
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